As part of our efforts to bring the project results closer to the public in everyday language, we will soon start to create a podcast series with interviews with relevant stakeholders. This will enable us to inform the general public acoustically about interim project results. The language will be English and it will be produced by erfolgsfaktorFRAU, the German project coordinator. Young women are best reached with this medium because they make up the largest percentage of podcast listeners.
For this podcast series we will invite international experts in the field of sex robots, intersectional feminism and sexuality in general. The aim is to get up-to-date insights and the state of the art of this development. We will also talk about the taboo of women’s sexuality and what the future might bring us on this topic.
As Stefan is also a musician and music producer, he has written and produced a little intro and outro sequence to accompany the podcast. @dagmarkiener will dig into the literature and desk research we have already done in German, Italy and Spain for our project in order to prepare the right questions for our experts and scientists. As the concept is now, @eva.gengler and Stefan will hold the interviews. We cant’t wait for this part of the project!
#fembots #gendercriticalfeminism #womenintechnology #futuretechnology #womeninresearch #ethics #taboo #podcast