This project deals with the topic of sex robots in relation to women*. The existence of this type of robots has a significant impact on the position of women in society, whose sexuality has always been a taboo.
The main objective of the project is to avoid that sex robots perpetuate the inequality of women in our society. This is implemented by 1) drawing up ethical guidelines for the development of sex robots and disseminating these to relevant groups of people in the field of adult education, sex robot manufacturing, politics as well as society. In addition, the goal will be implemented by 2) educating the general public on this topic through the production of an educational video. These sub-projects are co-financed by Erasmus+, a program of the EU.
In addition, the 3) production of the song “Love Robot” and the accompanying video will provide a emotional and low-threshold access to the topic for multi-layered social groups.
The phenomenon of female, sexualised, humanoid robots and the way it affects humans needs to be addressed immediately so as to be able to prevent long-term consequences that are detrimental to women.