The second workshop was held on November 18th 2022 with 17 participants at the 7th International Congress of Love and Sx with Robots”, Virtual, Zoom, Miro Board. It was held by Stefan Lacina assisted by Eva Gengler.
At the beginning the results of the Sx Robots – Future and Taboo – Ethical and social implications on women* were presented. Then participants were encouraged to participate in tough experiment and a following open discussion. The Thought Experiment was about the participants imagining that they are sx robots experts. The task was to create a manual what is ethically acceptable regarding sx robots.
There were questions raised like “Is it ethically acceptable if a sx robot has blue skin and looks like from another planet?“ or “Should the user be obgligated to ask for “consent” before any sxual interaction? .. and every now and then the sx robot says “no”. At the end there was a very fruitful discussion in between participants.
#fembots #gendercriticalfeminism #womenintechnology #futuretechnology #womeninresearch #ethics #taboo