The third workshop took place in Vienna on the 6th of December 2022 with 5 participants. It was held by Eva Gengler with assistance of Stefan Lacina. Eva talked about the concept of the workshop, which is based on the “Report of Comest on Robotics Ethics” (2017) by the UNESCO and the “Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI” (2018). We took the key factors of both (as on pictures) and combined them into seven topics. For each topic there were three to five questions prepared. After a prioritization of the topics there was an open discussion amongst the participants. The purpose was to inspire discussions and networking and the further development of the ethical guidelines. Also taking into consideration that not all relevant aspects maybe covered within such an event.
#fembots #gendercriticalfeminism #womenintechnology #futuretechnology #womeninresearch #ethics #taboo