Our project “Sex, Robots, Women* – Future & Taboo” being implemented in Germany, Italy and Spain has three main project goals:
- We aim to raise awareness on the impact of sex robots regarding gender inequality as well as the taboo topic of sexuality in the three project countries
- We aim at designing ethical guidelines for the development of sex robots in order to avoid or reduce ethical implications
- We will disseminate the guidelines to professionals in adult education, sex robot manufactures, politics and general society to promote healthy human relationships and sexuality
All these steps shall contribute to sensitise for the ethical impact of robots on our society and foster reflection on the effects of their existence and usage. Partners in the project are erfolgsfaktor FRAU e.V., Consulenza Direzionale Paolo Zaramella and Consultoría de Innovación Social.
#fembots #gendercriticalfeminism #womenintechnology #futuretechnology #womeninresearch #ethics #womenrights #taboo