After our research on various German, Spanish, Italian and international papers and articles, our team concluded that – based on how the development and design of sex robots is nowadays – the risks overshadow the chances by a long shot. We believe that this disparity is due to the lack of empirical data and studies on risks and chances of sex robots in relation to women. We also think that the media and film have a big impact on the believes of society about this topic. It seems like it will take more time to educate society about this topic due to its conservative and restrained ideas. What we find interesting is that more participants agree with a man buying a sex robot to use it for sexual intercourse compared to a woman buying one for the same reason. Our team assumes that this disparity is since the sexuality of women has been a taboo topic and has been surprised for a long time in many cultures.
We think that female-appearing sex robots might lead to a backlash regarding the sexuality of women. Likewise, the results of our literature and desk research underline this development. A fair number of renowned scientists genuinely believe that female-appearing sex robots will have negative consequences on the position of women in society. There will be an increase in the objectification of women as well as a continuation of discriminatory behaviour towards women. Empirical date does not exist yet, yet the opinion of these researchers is a strong indicator that this development could evolve as suggested.
#fembots #gendercriticalfeminism #womenintechnology #futuretechnology #womeninresearch #ethics #taboo