“There is no variety, no diversity when it comes to the AI of sex robots.”
The German and Austrian project partners sat down with expert Janina Loh, manager of the Liebenau Foundation’s ethics committee and cooperation group. During the interview the purpose and development of sex robots were discussed, especially in regard to the representation of ideals in sex robots. The expert discussed the diversity of sex technology and the lack of such in all kinds of sex technology.
“Because technologies, per se, include, whether explicitly or implicitly, the intentions of their designers, the values, the norms. And the intentions of their designers, with regard to the currently existing sex technologies and sex robots in particular, they are to my opinion the expression, and I would say bad expression, of patriarchal and heteronormative norms and they envision the patriarchal and heteronormative understanding of human attractiveness and good and proper sexual behaviour.”
Taking into account the lack of diversity of sex robots and their shape, Janina Loh debates that all technologies, whether sex robots or something else, do represent the norms and ideals of their makers. Considering the current status of patriarchal and heteronormative perception of sex in our society, such images are reproduced through sex robots, raising the question: How can sex robots be more diverse, represent more freedom and queerness?
Thank you very much to Janina Loh for participating in the expert interview for the project and sharing your knowledge on the topic of sex technologies and diversity. Find more information about Janina Loh here: https://janinaloh.de/
#ethics #taboo #diversity #robots #womenintechnology #queerness